For this event, Don was unable to attend due to scheduling conflicts with another conference across the Pacific, so we were tasked to design a video that would take his place at the luncheon address. Working with the Gabor Group, we collaborated on a video that combined elements of Don on-screen and motion graphics work, and delivered a piece that was both engaging and informative. The a short PowerPoint introduced the video, and we were on-site to make sure everything went smoothly… which it did!
This is the first chance I have had to formally applaud the contributors to this year’s NICC speech. Consider it an understatement when I say that Don hit it out if the park with this one. He handled a complex, sometimes dense, subject with a presidential demeanour that will be remembered by the hundreds who filled the auditorium.
IBC and, specifically, Don left a mark on this year’s NICC, branding our association as a courageous leader on the issues that matter to our members. Your team helped make that happen. If I sound grateful and excited, it’s because I am.
Mary Lou O’Reilly
Senior Vice-President, Issues Management and Communications
Insurance Bureau of Canada