The National Insurance Conference of Canada (NICC) is a high level annual conference that addresses the many diverse and complex issues facing leaders of the Canadian property and casualty insurance sector. Held in September 2011 at the Bayshore Westin, Vancouver, BC, the event welcomed many insurance and insurance-related businesses to attend the three day event. The Insurance Bureau of Canada sponsored the Day 1 luncheon, with CEO Don Forgeron as the keynote speaker.

For this event, Don was unable to attend due to scheduling conflicts with another conference across the Pacific, so we were tasked to design a video that would take his place at the luncheon address. Working with the Gabor Group, we collaborated on a video that combined elements of Don on-screen and motion graphics work, and delivered a piece that was both engaging and informative. The a short PowerPoint introduced the video, and we were on-site to make sure everything went smoothly… which it did!

This is the first chance I have had to formally applaud the contributors to this year’s NICC speech. Consider it an understatement when I say that Don hit it out if the park with this one. He handled a complex, sometimes dense, subject with a presidential demeanour that will be remembered by the hundreds who filled the auditorium.

IBC and, specifically, Don left a mark on this year’s NICC, branding our association as a courageous leader on the issues that matter to our members. Your team helped make that happen. If I sound grateful and excited, it’s because I am.

Mary Lou O’Reilly
Senior Vice-President, Issues Management and Communications
Insurance Bureau of Canada